The history of the rise and fall of civilizations has been often directly related to money and banking....over and over again. Understanding the history of banking and how money works…
I've heard for years that there are two different citizens in the U.S. and that made perfect sense to me. The individual States were independent legal entities that had State…
Who knew "Is" had three different and opposing meanings? Blacks Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, page 963 IS. This word although normally applying to the present often has a future meaning, but is not synonymous with "shall have…
An interesting course on the principles of court process that lays down some important principles for people to understand by Richard Luke Cornforth. Secrets of the Legal industry Book Information website:…
The world of law is full of tricks, traps, word magic, word art and outright deceptive practices. Are you shocked? I didn't think so. Presumptions are one of those tricks…
I drafted this post August 30, 2010 and decided not to publish it until I saw this second video. My hesitation was based on the total lack of "good" news…
Many people have made the right to travel a focal point of their private life ideal. What is the "right to travel"? Basically, the common law recognizes that citizens can…
Many people believe that the banking system is the main problem of ancient and modern societies. I tend to agree they are a major player at least or a powerful…
Well, well, well. The blindingly obvious has been confirmed by the courts in the US of A .....over and over again. Consider for a moment that video cameras capture your…
The WikiLeaks fallout is more evidence of what happens to "whistle blowers" in spite of the political rhetoric and legal sham of protection for Whistleblowers against the "system". The big…