The End Game Webinar
Sometimes change happens and it takes a while for people to catch up. Are you caught up?
It’s not on the evening news (not that you watch it) but the game has been exposed, the tricks are known and it’s up to you to apply that knowledge… or not.
Watch the Part 1 + Q+A webinar below
You do need to be a private member, signed in, to watch webinar replay.
Hear the stories and see the proof that the emperor has no clothes, the system has no real power, except the power you give it and the choice is yours… to give it power or not.
Tell your friends to join us because freedom from organized, self serving power structures is hip and cool these days (and more fun when your friends come along).
P.P.S. Freedom isn’t “free”, it requires knowledge, responsibility, liability, courage, faith and your positive actions – please keep that in mind.
ominously (or hopefully) titled….
The End Game
Some post webinar feedback:
“another great event”
“Another impressive, interesting and informational packed webinar. Thank you so much for the work that you do!”
“Been looking forward to it and wasn’t disappointed!”
“Every webinar you do is amazing.Thank you very much for your Help!”
“Excellent presentation! …great content!”
“Excellent! Thank-you for being so concise.”
“Great information! I have six pages of notes. Its off to the bank I go…”
“I believe what I was able to hear was excellent. I hope it is posted tomorrow so I can go through again and take more notes. I would very much appreciate if it is available tomorrow or at least very soon later this week. The more I listen the more confidence builds up. I have been studying for 8 years now and this is the best classes I have attended.”
“I really appreciate your Webinars. They confirm most of my due diligence that I’ve researched..I have opened a basic bank account. I’ll email my comments later.Thanks”
“these are informative and pertinent well presented and helpful”
“Thanks, inspiring as always!”
“Thanks. Found the webinar valuable, picked up many points that help connect the ‘dots’ in the Court process recently experienced”
“the software worked well… and the content of the presentation was superior to nearly every other webinar… talkshoe and so forth that I have participated in…. thank you ‘private person’…”
You do need to be a private member, signed in, to watch webinar replay.

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excellent that’s what I like to hear – watch something here then going and researching it – excellent
looked up Law Merchant mentioned in the end game webinar….very interesting and illuminating
yep that is pretty much it – the 72 hour response challenge to the alleged complaint is I believe a valid time frame although it can be done anytime with a bit more effort it appears. more specifics coming soon.
JD,want of jurisdiction the warrant for arrest is a offer from Justice of the peace to promise your private person to appear as the all cap legal fiction the Re-venue has to be attacked with exactly what this want of jurisdiction is, when no jurisdiction is voided then its automatically accepted your then claiming that you are indeed the accommodation party for those benefits and charges .my experience is police only arresting the name the crown owns this name is their only claim when the body accepts this all cap paper fiction name you just made your ownership claim to the crowns property and before any JP your first ? is under whose authority and are u accepting private liability in disclosing your actions for determination at law for a civil or criminal claim against me and or my body the private person.JD his very honest approach is forget the lye any truth is less and easier to re-member a difference is made with integrity test the truth with honest indifference staying out court first 72hours is all it could take get to the JP expose and void their claim and fraud no case # not SIN bonded yet acting in honour puts them in full liability . thanks jd
I’ve heard many sick stories of child abductions by the system in the US and Canada. Karl Lentz seems to have had good success with getting the return of the child (property) by proper demand – a simple, clear, concise “require and wish immediate restoration of the property” (the child is your property). Check that info out – it avoids the fiction court for good reason. He teaches to call the child “property” ONLY – because “they” have no jurisdiction/claim/authority over ANY property – at common law a child is the parents property.
Part of the problem is going into “fiction” courts and expecting them to play fair, follow the rules and obey the law. They don’t and won’t USUALLY. They deal in “interests in property” but not the property itself. I believe we need to come at them in a proper common law court process where the law actually needs to be obeyed.
Make sure you watch H4J: Do Common Law Courts Exist? and more on the website here…
This was the first I heard of her and am following up. What I find out I’ll share on the website. (but of course you are always encouraged to seek, search and chase down info and processes rather than wait for it to be handed to you on a silver platter).
Your two years is just a start – I’ve been at this for 17+ and know people who have been at it for 30+ years…my point – patience and perseverance doing the work is required…and don’t rely on “magic” paperwork – you need to back up ANY paperwork with the right knowledge and attitude – usually hard won over time. The process is simple but unlearning all the bad ideas, bad mental habits, bad attitudes, victim mentality, entitlement attitude is what takes time for most people – until that happens most people CANNOT apply the right information the right way.
Thanks for your question. It is a common one.
I have been sending complaints consistently to the following groups for several years now with very little positive response. My first disclosure of wrong doing to the ombudsman , that I spent over a year researching, they did not investigate. They simply asked the office in the wrong if they were wrong! they said no so the ombudsman said they did nothing wrong. it is twilight zone crazy here in NS. The office of the Ombudsman, the NS association of social workers, and the department of Community Services refuse to investigate any complaints of lawbreaking that I send..the NSASW refuses to call me back, ever, I simply do not know the next step. any social worker, child protection, commonly tell parents top violate their child custody court oorders, they refuse to follow proper, legal, channels and I am not kidding, I have not found one official who gives a crap…they must be justified…really? justified to usurp judicial authority? and when/ if it gets in front of a family court judge, they say, oh that is ok… There I’ve vented…in family court, child protection, they did everything wrong, there was not even a complaint of abuse and the workers took the kids, we showed the workers had no complaint and they based their whole case on misinformation and the judge allowed them to keep the kids? I don’t know what else to do. Do I have to get the parents into superior court with a claim, or even filing in superior court habeus corpus, it does apply to children, i found the act for NS. I am delaying because like you say, I do not want to be flapping my gums in court and not know what I am talking about. I guess I am looking for some direction cause there are 2 of us in NS who are learning the tricks. 3 In all motions and proceedings on orders in the nature of habeas corpus where the care and custody of infant children are concerned, the judges of the Supreme Court shall deal therewith according to the principles of equitable jurisprudence. R.S., c. 253, s. 3. the media here will not touch child protection matters no matter how many laws are broken.
Listened to recording from Rod Class of former police woman attorney and in that recording she says she has paperwork that a person can remove their selves from the system,That info was never revealed and I ask that someone please contact me on this or forward my info to her so that I may learn more of this.I have been two years plus trying to remove myself from the system that seeks to keep me in financial bondage.Thanks so much for your assistance in this.Bless you for the help and info you give.