For years I've heard about the "fact" that CANADA is listed on the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and how it was bad, terrible and awful because it meant Canada…
Tsk Tsk Tsk. One could trust the government a wee bit more (maybe) if the Department of Justice lawyers (who are being directed by whom?) didn't play dirty, dirty dirty.…
Seems to me (and the common law) a fundamental tenet of freedom is the right to own private property. If I remember correctly, the federal government has no jurisdiction related…
Rocco Galeti, respected lawyer, files claim against Canadian government and it's actors regarding the COVID-19 measures being instituted. Statement of claim tells the whole story and quotes worldwide experts who… "Smart meters" are another hot topic that privacy, private property rights and health safety are becoming an issue. Many people are standing up and saying no to the…
This excerpt of a longer news video tells a story on many levels of the power of the people and the effect of public exposure on wrongdoers actions is the path…
Two big events in First Nations' land title/rights recognition this week from the Supreme Court of Canada and Vancouver city council. Is the timing coincidence? No and neither will the strategic…
Dean' Clifford is apparently STILL being held under very suspicious circumstances and he sounds positive and strong in these audios released a week ago. The "system" seems to be in…
These two news stories caught my eye for different reasons. We have had a spate of violent police actions and no-accountability for that violence by police in Canada. Local police…