It was brief. It was quiet. You would be hard pressed to have a more Canadian protest. Much concerned gnashing of teeth is being made of a "security breech". Let's…
For a free and democratic nation known world wide for gentle, mild manner peace keeping people, things aren't looking so good. Canada Part of the War Machine - article A…
May 25, 2011... Ron Paul speaks to Congress giving a chilling summary of the state of freedom and liberty in the U.S. and it isn't good. Similar to another Paul…
History is full of real, confirmed, public evidence that the US has actively, for decades, created, participated and promoted state sponsored acts of war against other countries and even against…
It's INCOME TAX time again! Yipee. Did you know that: "The average Canadian family spent more than 41 per cent of its annual income on taxes in 2010, more than…
The world is a complex place. It doesn't have to be. It's made even more complex by people who twist words and phrases to mean something different or to…
What are ALL the subtle differences you can see between the above documents? It's long been known that the "Certificate of Birth" created when a live birth is registered with the…
The fundamental idea behind common law freedom and liberty is; individual responsibility. Have we been to taught, encouraged, coached to be weak, irresponsible, finger pointing, immature sheeple? Every bureaucracy, without…
In the world of the average guy wrong doing is shameful. Most people have a conscience and the fear of shame helps people know the difference between right and wrong.…
Unfortunately the honourable profession of policing continues to get a bad name for itself, too often. Another case of cops gone bad, this time Chicago. We've heard stories about dirty…