The laws are intended in part to act as a deterrent to criminal acts. But laws lose all deterrent effect if the criminal-wanna-be KNOWS that no one knows the law AND/OR the… YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! [The following is a written adaption of a talk given by Larken Rose in Philadelphia, in front of Independence Hall, on July 4th,…
If You Don't Take Responsibility Someone Else Will and They Are Your Master So many people get started on the "freedom" path like rebelious children, even if they are fifty.…
Freedom Comes With Responsibility and Choice... A Choice that Has Been Stolen From You At all times you have a choice.... 1. do I want to claim/exercise my rights? 2.…
How to Stand Strong In Court and Reclaim Your Authority Discover how to claim your authority in court. Attitude and actions, tricks and traps. Members Access Webinar CLICK HERE
YES! YES! YES! YOU CAN VIDEO POLICE!!!! Here's a National post article on your right to video and photograph agents of the state in Canada (police, CRA you name it).…
Be Prepared for Going Into the Lion's Den I've been talking with a number of people who are preparing for attending court. I'm getting tired of repeating myself, although going…
Who needs thrill sports when you have the greatest cause of all time to stand up and test your mettle....freedom. People are being tricked, trapped and harassed into court proceedings…
I've done a few posts about the concept of social programming, brainwashing of citizens etc. because it is a key aspect of understanding yourself, society and the proactive attempt to…
Has the sh** hit the fan FINALLY? Are the real criminals being arrested and hopefully, stripped of their ill gotten wealth before they go to jail for a long time? Check out some reports…