There is, from time to time, honour to be found among us. It is a more common place experience amongst those not striving for power and control. Unfortunately this means…
Have you ever wondered how many police officers are disciplined for illegal acts "on the job". I came across this case while researching another and it reminded me of a…
Mead vs Mead... a good legal read or a piece of vomitus trash? The courts of all levels issue decisions every week. Some are sound, well written and educational, others…
David did a webinar Thursday April 18, to provide some insight into laying criminal charges against government agents and officers. This is a free webinar join us by enrolling here. In…
When eating crap food, breathing toxins and drinking fluoride water etc. etc. isn't enough.... MinusIQ | The Pill to Lower Your IQ permanently * this is satire!
It's not a court decision, only a report but at last the question is being asked and investigated. This is in the USA but again it is fundamental principles of law. The…
Don't cross that line! Jurisdiction always has boundaries. Sometimes physical and sometimes legal. Which means you need to do something to step in or step out of a particular jurisdiction.…
All top athletes train and practice the basics over and OVER and OVER again. Why? Our minds and bodies can be distracted and pick up bad habits if not constantly being reminded of…
From: Kevin A <> Date: 12 March, 2013 11:42:09 AM PDT Subject: How the Mighty have Fallen: The Next Steps in Reclaiming our World and Ourselves A Special Communique from ITCCS Central -…
The verdict is in and they are attempting arrests. International Common Law Court Attempts the Arrest of RCMP Inspector Peter Montague, An Architect of Canada’s Coverup of its Genocide of…