Hey, you. Ya you! Did you know that Canada could create it's own money, interest free, but instead it goes to the private banks and borrows money... with compound interest?…
Rocco Galeti, respected lawyer, files claim against Canadian government and it's actors regarding the COVID-19 measures being instituted. Statement of claim tells the whole story and quotes worldwide experts who…
http://www.youtube.com/v/d4BFXUwBwGI "Smart meters" are another hot topic that privacy, private property rights and health safety are becoming an issue. Many people are standing up and saying no to the…
For your consideration and testing...if you want to....Win Every Criminal Case From Now On!
Listen to this clip by the late Rick Shramm from the On Point II seminar telling you how corrupt state court is and what you can do about it to WIN every time!
Being in Canada made my research Canada centric but also I studied much USA law and cases EXCEPT for the concept of private person in US law. Watch the short…
Bank ACTION Project - for members only - OPEN YOUR OWN PRIVATE, NO ID, BANK ACCOUNT
Having a private bank account is key to accessing the financial system and protecting your private property - get it done!
A lawyer, who has a law school named after him, the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia, Canada, also has a $100,000 prize awarded…
Join jd and Robert Marques as Robert gives an overview/intro to the principles of how to stop debt collectors and even how to get paid for holding the debt collectors…
Now online is the replay of the second Intro Webinar to the SueWrongdoers.com website. Check it out on their pre-launch page SueWrongdoers.com The final Intro Webinar is next Saturday Sept.…
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