Many people have taught and applied the "claim of right" law principle over recent years which WAS clearly laid out in the Criminal Code (Canada). Well it is mostly GONE.…
Many people ask me / tell me "forget common law...shouldn't we focus on natural law?" My answer is YES AND there is a first step. To me it appears that…
We will not return to 'business as usual'. The Four Horsemen is an independent feature documentary from us which lifts the lid on how the world really works. Official Trailer…
These two news stories caught my eye for different reasons. We have had a spate of violent police actions and no-accountability for that violence by police in Canada. Local police…
It is a natural reaction for many people to initially deny something they did do when they are first accused. They might even resort to attacking the person bringing the…
New overview introductory webinar to cover the key concepts and principles of what is a private person and why private person is a status in law you just might want…
The late Mr. Zinn's book, A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present, was published by Harperperennial Library. He focused his research for the book that spans American history from Christopher Columbus's…
I just heard the Dean Clifford got "arrested" again a few days ago (conveniently at the end of a two day training he was doing in Hamilton, Ontario). You can…
Eliminate Confusion, Unravel the Game Then Decide What to DO A while back a new "teacher" showed up online with some well presented ideas and common sense questions. He calls…
It doesn't matter what you are involved in, your attitude about being in it and your understanding of it will largely determine your experience. Court is no different and often…