Every corporation and government agency/department has an official history and a official complaint process. Both are very valuable for understanding the context of the role they play and how to…
It's time. Are you ready? Enough is known about the way the present legal, banking and governmental systems work to start taking action. Are you up for it? If playing…
The main focus of this website has been to investigate and share info on 'common law' and 'private person' status in common law. I was recently introduced to another fellow…
Do you want "proof" that common law is alive and well in Canada? Do you want to see how 'person', 'private person" and 'natural person' are different and how they…
US Media Blacks Out Snowden Interview Video and transcript - German Television 01/26/2014 -------- CLICK HERE TO VIEW PRIVATE SOURCE INTERVIEW VIDEO (Written Transcript below...) (This interview video has been…
Asset and Wealth Protection Strategy Free Intro Webinar With Glenn-Winningham: Fearn How To Operate Privately and Protect Assets - Overview / Intro Webinar For all the information, details, and webinar replay…
Dean' Clifford is apparently STILL being held under very suspicious circumstances and he sounds positive and strong in these audios released a week ago. The "system" seems to be in…
Chemtrails, Weather Modification and Microwaves Used Against People The Nuremberg Code was developed after World War II as a result of the Nuremberg Trials where Nazi Officers and Scientists were…
I can hear the wails of patriots/freedom folk "I'm not a person, and you can't make me!". That seems only fair, if you consider that "Her Majesty The Queen in…