Local Hero, Rory
Hey! Look! Someone taking action and practicing what he preaches!
Guess what his YouTube user name is? IPracticeWhatIPreach
Watch his videos and you will see in fact he is a man of his word. He’s been through some shit, stood toe to toe with “the man”, faced down RCMP harassment and successfully had charges against him stayed. Congrats!
Watch his videos to see his first hand accounts. Not all people on YouTube are showing the live events as they occur, then the step by step legal consequences to conclusion. Kudos to Rory, thanks for standing, sharing and walking your talk.
Every story shared and successful facing down “alleged authority figures” by people becomes another LIVING proof example that the entire game being played is one of YOUR consent to play THEIR game, withdraw your consent. You will be challenged so you need to stand strong.
Each time YOU stand up peacefully, with knowledge and stay strong… YOU become a local hero too.
Share your story and lift the hopes and spirits of others. Together our individual efforts will end the collective submission to the powers that PRETEND to be.
There is a series of videos about his experience with driving without a license plate, drivers license, being pulled over, RCMP smashing his car windows, him driving off fearing for his safety (too true), 3 RCMP coming to his home to arrest, leaving, coming back again with 10 RCMP, leaving, phone calls with the duty sergeant about events and after court updates related to charges from above events….ending in a stay of proceedings. WHEW!
Here’s part one. Watch the others on his channel – IPracticeWhatIPreach
Educating the R.C.M.P. on the constitution of Canada Pt. 1
Educating the R.C.M.P. on the constitution of Canada Pt. 2
Educating the R.C.M.P. on the constitution of Canada Pt. 3
RCMP Attacking My Home 1
I need your help The RCMP attacked me with 15 and a dog with no warrant
RCMP Attacking My Home 2
RCMP attacking the House of Hawes without a warrant.
RCMP Attacking My Home 3
I need your help The RCMP attacked me with 15 cops and a dog with no warrant Pt 2