Banking History You Need to Know
Many people believe that the banking system is the main problem of ancient and modern…
i’ve played with the idea lawyers need some help…whaddya think? If I take out ads will anyone respond?
If you believe that the legal profession is an honourable one and you’re saddened (and maybe disgusted) by the present state of the public perception of lawyers and the law because the public too often sees the less than hourable, less than integreous and apparent corruption rampant among lawyers…
Maybe it’s time to do something about it?
The law is supposed to be the foundation of truth, honour and justice in a society. Yet it is daily mocked by lazy, incompetent or downright corrupt lawyers, far too often
And like the tobacco companies in a self serving, profit motivated, disease denial the law profession chugs along allowing the corruption to continue.
Is it up to the law society to “fix it”? Uh, Ya right!
What can you do to make a difference?
It’s never up to a regulatory body or a statute law to fix things. It’s always up to each individual. Each person sets the standard for themselves and voluntarily chooses to act in accordance with the standards set by their society.
It’s also up to each individual to hold each and every fellow society member to the values and ethical standards of right and truth.
A society’s rules are nothing but empty fluff if it’s members:
Not one, or two, but all three together. AND it all starts with you as an individual. You are your first responsibility. How are you doing?
There are honest lawyers. There are honest judges. It’s time to empower each one of them and rebuild the integrity and honour of the legal profession. Do you want to be a part of that powerful, exciting process, one lawyer at a time?
If you believe in the rights and responsibilities of the individual and you believe in the rule of law, then come and discover how to turn things around, beginning with you, in your own head and in your own heart.
From the inside out you can create change, but you need new eyes to see with and new ears to hear with and new understanding to move forward with.
We offer legal education from the outside in. We are so far in the box we are outside the box. Discover the law as you’ve never seen it before and will never see it the same way again.
There is truth. There is justice. The system still works, if you know how to work it, if you understand it at a new and amazing level.
Rules, polices, procedure, principles… what, where, when, how and above all why. The legal system is not what you think it is. Understand it and be empowered to bring the rule of law truly to everyone.
Never again lose sight of the possibility for justice. In an imperfect, world, with an imperfect system full of imperfect people…justice is still possible.
It takes a depthful, new, correct understanding of the foundations of law and the legal system and an open, persistent mind to grasp daring old ideas that will reveal themselves to be the powerful truth that makes sense out of a confusing legal world.
It won’t be easy. You will face opposition. You will face denial, anger and sadness. The truth is hard to hear sometimes, but the truth will set you free.
When you are truly free… you will be powerful and fully alive!
If not you, then who?
If not now, then when?
Stand for legal ethics, honourable time honoured principles and personal pride that you believe in you (or once believed in).
Stand up for your honor and integrity.
Stand for truth and justice.
The law and it’s guardians can be a saving light to society or its guides to deepening destruction. Which are you now and which do you want to be tomorrow?
Come out come out where ever you are.
I know you are there.
There are so many more like you than you know. There is strength in numbers. Change is at hand be a positive, powerful example of what is possible.
Individual rights are are paramount and your passion for true justice is the key.
Privacy rights and property rights are the beginning of individual rights and the two rights under attack daily by governments and corporations, thInk about!
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