What The FUQ? The Jig is Up
I've had a number of conversations with people recently about "questioning what is going on…
Enough is known about the way the present legal, banking and governmental systems work to start taking action. Are you up for it?
If playing Dungeons and Dragons, video games, extreme sports or joining the military to get your thrills has FINALLY ceased to be of interest because you KNOW that those games are only distractions for the REAL game of life… achieving your personal freedom…then now is the time to get serious and take action.
That’s right, the type of action most people run screaming from.
Are you still here?
If you are tired of theories, guru bravado and half baked ideas from well meaning researchers AND you are ready to take action yourself stay tuned… you must be a free member of this website to read the rest of this post… go ahead and join for free – get in the private with other like minded folks…
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