Getting Your Registration of Live Birth in B.C.
Many folks are discussing the benefits of getting certified copy of your Birth Record. Here's…
Many folks state that the lawyers, as part of the BAR, are accountable to the Queen. If they are, why did they remove the oath of allegiance to the Queen in 1993 (in B.C.)? Apparently on the motion of only ONE individual this rather major change was instituted (Benchers minutes link below).
Section 2-51 of the Law Society of British Columbia Rules requires any lawyer who is called to the Bar of British Columbia and admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court to take a barristers’ and solicitors’ oath in a form approved by the Benchers. The current form was adopted by the Benchers in April 1993 in response to a proposal to eliminate the requirement to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen. Click for a copy of the Benchers’ minutes and the current Barristers’ and Solicitors’ Oath.
If you check out other oaths, most have “allegiance to the Queen” as part of the oath to hold office.
Extract of Benchers Minutes from April, 1993
Anybody want to do a chart for easy reference?
FYI NOTE: the various BAR Law Societies are private, unregulated associations that effectively write, interpret, prosecute (and punish) all the laws.
The PIVOT Society does good work in Vancouver helping low income people protect their rights check out their website and download their “How To Sue The Police” handbook.
Make a police complaint
If you want to make a complaint about a police officer in British Columbia contact the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner by visiting or by phone: (250) 356-7458 Toll Free: 1-877-999-8707
If you need information about your rights when dealing with a private security guard or want to make a complaint against a private security guard check out for more information.
An excellent inside look at the systemized control of people and propaganda.