Arrest Attempted Re: ITCCS Common Law Court Findings
The verdict is in and they are attempting arrests. International Common Law Court Attempts the…
There are plenty of questions about the “pandemic”. Really good ones. But you are not allowed to ask those questions.
THAT is a BIG clue.
If you don’t chant the mantras promoted, propagandized, authorized by the politicians and media you are an outcast.
Now Dr. Bonnie Henry has officially made you (unvaccinated) a pariah in society by making the medical finding that you, the ‘unvaccinated’, are an existential threat to mankind and must be banished from work and public spaces.
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Since when have the politicians, lawyers, media and big pharma been your most trusted source of information?
Polls for decades have concluded that those four groups were consistently NOT TRUSTED. Yet now they are blindly obeyed and trusted by a LARGE percentage of the population. Oh yes. That favorite tool of the corrupt and powerful fear-mongering does the job AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.
You know THAT mind trick, that the “jedi mind trick” (telling an untruth that is believed and acted upon) only works on the weak minded. You know what that means…vaccine mantras, spells being cast, over and over and over again have worked on many, many people…image a multitude of voices chatting over and over….
Dr. Bonnie Henry seems like a nice lady, but so did the not-so-nice witch in Hansel and Gretel.
There are breadcrumbs to follow. Use your discernment so as not to be lured into the mind-numbing trap laid out for the unsuspecting and naive. It does require your time, attention and a free mind to see what is more likely to be true.
Let’s investigate those breadcrumbs and see if you think it might be medical fraud.
Here is the latest “health Order issued by [Herr] Dr. Bonnie Henry (Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Josef Mengele would be both jealous and in admiration). Is that too rough? She’s just a nice lady “doing her job”. Her job now appears to be defined as misleading the people of British Columbia and singing the songsheet handed to her by her controllers which just happens to be the same basic song sheet that is being sung literally around the world simultaneously. That is another couple of clues.
Think about it – you the unvaccinated have declined to voluntarily consent to participate in the world’s largest medical experiment in history (experimental vaccines to SAVE YOU from a “disease” with a 99%+ survival rate for healthy people). Governments (and medical professionals) have done such evil things before (and worse), multiple times, but in localized areas, on specific populations, often without their knowledge and consent.
The gloves are off now and like a James Bond villain the target now is…THE ENTIRE WORLD (insert evil laugh).
Coercion, bribes, social shaming has not worked on the resolute. So now THEY have moved to the second last tool of oppression… the banishment and de-personing in society–as usual, based on lies, half-truths and fantasy.
No job for you.
No fun for you.
Soon no food for you?
What are you going to do about it?
(Pursuant to Sections 30, 31, 32, 39 (3), 54, 56, 57, 67 (2) and 69 Public Health Act, S.B.C. 2008)
DOWNLOAD THE HEALTH ORDER – covid-19-ORDER-10-14-21-hospital-and-community-vaccination-status-information-preventive-measures1
The Public Health Act is at:
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Check out the webinar for the whole story and maybe nuke the entire ORDER with your new perspective. The latest “ORDER OF THE PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER” sham spins on two things – a medical finding that the unvaccinated are in fact a “health hazard” and….. watch the replay for more
NOTE: if you are not in British Columbia come to the webinar anyway. You will be shown what to look for and how to identify the sham in your local jurisdiction. I’m pretty sure it’s crap from the same bull.