An Overview of the Power of Symbols
Below is a short video to introduce a few ideas about the power of symbols…
Freedom Of Information requests are one of the most important ways to keep on top of your personal information kept by corporations and governments. FOI is also one of the most powerful ways to keep tabs on the corporations and governments activities, to hold them accountable.
Almost all corporate and government documents and communications are subject public scrutiny and will often bring to light improper activities.
The information about you personally and the public is all there… IF you request it.
Let’s learn to use the FOI access to it’s fullest effect. Judicial Watch in the USA has done great work with FOIs to uncover, then prosecute with the info they have required to be released from the shadows. We can and should model their success.
Learn more from The BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association (FIPA), “a non-partisan, non-profit society that was established in 1991 to promote and defend freedom of information and privacy rights in Canada. Our goal is to empower citizens by increasing their access to information and their control over their own personal information.”
FOI handout PDF for the below intro FIPA webinars:
This is a skills training webinar for newcomers to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. Get practical skills on how to prepare and submit information requests that get results and learn to navigate some common challenges that can arise as requests are processed. Please note that this is a repeat of the training session offered last year for anyone who missed the previous session.
Our presenter, Mike Larsen, is the President of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association.
This 1.5 hour webinar is a follow up to the FOI 101 course offered earlier this year. This session will be co-presented by Mike Larsen, President of the Freedom of Information and Privacy and Privacy Association (BC FIPA) and Vincent Gogolek, former Executive Director of BC FIPA.
This session will look further into specific challenges participants have encountered in making information requests. In order to ensure that you get the most of out of this session, we ask that all registrants complete the registration questions below. We strongly encourage participants to send any questions you may have to our presenters in advance so that they can address specific issues you may have experienced. Questions in advance can be input below or directed to:
FOI 201 Challenges in Accessing Information – Webinar Recording from Courthouse Libraries BC on Vimeo.
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