You Must Pledge Allegiance to Your New Master
There is an old saying (biblical I think) "you can't serve two masters" and in…
The sad stories just never seem to end, but luckly the truth is slowly coming out.
Is it enough to wake people up and get them to yell a big, loud collective NO!
All of these things continue to go on because the people do not speak out and DEMAND it be prosecuted and stopped.
Check out these three articles:
RCMP ‘to ease Canadians into the idea’ of U.S. agents in Canada
Senior Mountie’s ‘slap on the wrist’ sparks anger
Just what do you have to do to get fired from the RCMP?
How do you feel about the ever militarized, corrupt U.S. alphabet agencies having free reign in Canada? They be a coming if Harper and co. get there way. Have you noticed Canada is being taken over?
By Andy Radia | Canada Politics – Tue, 22 May, 2012
Uncle Sam could soon be coming after you on Canadian soil.
According to an article in Embassy Magazine, the Harper government is moving forward on several initiatives that could give U.S. FBI and DEA agents the ability to pursue suspects across the land border and into Canada.
But, according to a RCMP officer, they’re doing it in “baby steps.”
“We recognized early that this approach would raise concerns about sovereignty, of privacy, and civil liberties of Canadians,” RCMP Chief Superintendent Joe Oliver, the Mounties’ director general for border integrity, told the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence on May 14.
“We said ‘Let’s take baby steps, let’s start with two agencies to test the concept, let’s demonstrate to Canadians and Americans that such an approach might work.”
Baby step 1, according to Embassy Magazine, has already happened in the form cross border pilot projects allowing Canadian and American agents in each others waters.
Step 2 is the ‘Shiprider’ program which will make it permanently legal for U.S. agents to be certified as police in Canadian waters. This is on track to be passed into law by the Harper government’s omnibus budget bill, C-38.
And step 3, is to roll out cross-border policing over land.
Embassy also notes that the government is not ruling out U.S. aerial surveillance over Canadian territory.
These initiatives are part of the much-touted perimeter security initiative between Washington and Ottawa, designed to provide a thicker wall of security around the continent while easing trade barriers at the borders.
Critics have bemoaned the loss of Canada’s jurisdiction and sovereignty over the new policing measures but Canadian officials insist it’s needed.
“Criminals are exploiting the fact that we have to respect our boundaries and we have to stop at the border,” Oliver said.
“We’ve had instances where we’ve engaged in the attempts to interdict vessels in our shared waterways, and the vessel has fled into the other territory and has escaped apprehension.”
PDF of Article – CMP ‘to ease Canadians into the idea’ of U.S. agents in Canada
And they are in cahoots with the RCMP of course, the much fallen-from-mythical-grace federal police force…we can trust them right? The new RCMP commissioner vowed to clean up the RCMP and hold people accountable…..hmmmmm
RCMP staff sergeant has sex with subordinates and hosted drinking parties
CBC News – Posted: May 23, 2012 12:59 PM MT Last Updated: May 23, 2012 1:46 PM MT
The RCMP is under fire for its handling of a senior Edmonton officer who had sex with subordinates and hosted drinking parties in police offices.
RCMP officer Don Ray posed for this photo while training civilian police in Sierra Leone in 2003-2004. (Our Canada Magazine)
Former Staff Sgt. Don Ray was demoted to sergeant, docked 10 days pay and transferred to British Columbia after a pattern ofinappropriate behaviour over several years.
An internal review found that over a three year period, Ray had sex with subordinates, drank with them at work and sexually harassed them.
Ray also used his position to favour potential female employees.
“He should be encouraged to retire or forcibly removed,” said Krista Carle, a former B.C. constable who is involved in a class action lawsuit against the RCMP as a victim of sexual harassment.
‘They have — right now — a public relations nightmare’—Krista Carle, former RCMP officer
“To give simply another transfer to another province is shameful,” she said. “They have — right now — a public relations nightmare.”
“They can say that they’re going to treat harassment seriously, but the proof is in the pudding that they have not acted appropriately.”
Board considered dismissal
The RCMP Adjudication Board delivered its decision in January.
The board said it considered dismissal, but relied heavily on a joint submission to reach its decision.
Ray’s punishment sends the wrong message, said Arthur Schafer, an ethics professor at the University of Manitoba.
“The victims lose their careers, suffer sometimes terrible psychological harm,” he said. “The perpetrators suffer either not at all or in a minor way. The punishment was little more than a slap on the wrist.”
Ray’s disciplinary hearing came amid widespread complaints from female RCMP officers who say they experienced sexual harassment in the force.
The handling of Ray’s case will not help in improving relations between senior RCMP staff and employees, said Mike Webster, a police psychologist on Vancouver Island.
“Female members within the RCMP are not going to feel safe working in that environment as a result of this decision,” he said. “The organization is riddled with a toxic environment, high levels of employee stress and a culture of fear.”
Webster believes Mounties need a union to help turn around their troubled environment.
Ray was the head of the polygraph unit at the RCMP’s Edmonton headquarters from 2006 to 2009 when the complaints took place.
PDF of Article – Senior Mountie’s ‘slap on the wrist’ sparks anger
Just what do you have to do to get fired from the RCMP?
By Steve Mertl | Daily Brew – May 25, 2012
You have to ask whether the RCMP has learned anything from the years of adverse publicity that has damaged the iconic force’s reputation with Canadians.
Fatal misuse of Tasers, questionable in-custody deaths, botched major investigations such as Air India, a looming sexual-harassment lawsuit by a former member.
And now, with all that on the table, the RCMP admits a senior Alberta Mountie disciplined for sexual misconduct and drinking on the job is not being dismissed. Instead, he’s being transferred from Edmonton to British Columbia, where trust in the RCMP could hardly be lower.
Donald Ray was a staff sergeant in Edmonton’s K-Division behavioural sciences unit, in charge of its polygraph unit, when he was accused of disgraceful conduct.
The Ottawa Citizen obtained documents from Ray’s internal disciplinary hearing.
An investigation revealed Ray was hosting after-hours parties in his office, which included a well-stocked bar fridge. He would ply female subordinates with liquor and make sexual advances. He encouraged one woman to touch his penis and had sex with another in the room where lie-detector tests were conducted.
For that and other inappropriate behaviour with the women he worked with, an RCMP adjudication board that met last November did not fire Ray.
Instead, he was demoted from staff sergeant down to sergeant, docked 10 days pay and ordered transferred out of the Mounties’ Alberta headquarters.
This despite senior officers at national headquarters in Ottawa saying the pattern of Ray’s behaviour was so disturbing that it would take “considerable effort to rebuild the damaged trust of our organization,” the Citizen reported.
RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson conceded as much in an email exchange with Postmedia News.
“If I could change this case I would, I cannot,” Paulson said. “What I can do is make sure that we get a system where this sort of frustration is eliminated.
The board apparently decided against firing Ray because he expressed regret and remorse for his actions and received strong letters of support from colleagues.
But even under existing rules, what does it take to get fired?
“It’s 2012, not 1912,” the Vancouver Province said in an editorial blog post. “There are few workplaces in Canada where Ray’s conduct wouldn’t have resulted in his near-instant dismissal.
“If the Mounties really are serious about stopping conduct like Ray’s, too common in their ranks, they need to start firing the offenders.”
Deputy Commissioner Craig Callens, in charge of B.C. Mounties, said he agreed to accept Ray’s transfer to the province but promised he would be closely monitored and would be fired if he stepped out of line again.
But former RCMP constable Krista Carle told Postmedia it shows the “old boys’ culture” is alive and well within the force.
“To transfer him to another province is utterly shameful,” said Krista, one of the first women to speak out publicly last year about sex-harassment allegations in the RCMP. “He should be encouraged to retire or forcibly removed from duty.”
Paulson promised to crack down on “outrageous” conduct within the force, some of it criminal, but Carle said the decision in Ray’s case shows little has changed.
“I really thought, ‘Maybe they’ll get the big picture,’ ” Carle said.
But Paulson said Ray’s disciplinary process was already underway when he was appointed commissioner and he could overrule the board’s decision.
Edmonton Journal columnist Paula Simons called the penalty absurd.
“The Mountie’s failure to take sexual misconduct seriously is hardly unique to Edmonton,” she wrote. “In the wake of very high-profile complaints from female officers in B.C., more than 200 women have joined a pending class-action lawsuit against the force, alleging endemic sexual harassment, effectively condoned by the macho RCMP management culture.”
The best known case involves Corporal Catherine Galliford, a high-profile media officer with the B.C. Mounties now on indefinite sick leave.
Galliford, the face of the force for major cases such as the Air India bombing and serial killer Robert Pickton, alleges she was subject to years of sexual harassment and even physical assault, CBC Newsreported earlier this month.
The RCMP said its professional standards unit is investigating the allegations Galliford made in her statement of claim.
(CBC photo)
PDF of Article – Just what do you have to do to get fired from the RCMP
Articles above used (reprinted?) under fair use and as a back up for stories that vaporize off the web for some reason and need to be preserved for the public good.