Defending your rights pays, sometimes ($1.3 million)
Here's a feel good story. CRA raids a home with a search warrant (and their… is a very good website offering commentary and reporting on many issues health, freedom, politics and more. The reporting seems to be of high quality and very topical. I recommend you check it out and subscribe to their email list to get their news summaries (link at bottom).
Raw milk: good enough for the Queen but prohibited for YOU. They have a new article on raw milk which made headlines in Canada with a trial in Ontario. The raw milk issue is not about raw milk really, its about what right does the government have to prevent people accessing their foods of choice?
A writeup on raw milk published inThe Globe and Mailback in 2010 explains that Queen Elizabeth personally drinks raw milk, and that when her grandsons Harry and William were students at Eton College, she went out of her way to smuggle it in for them as well. The Queen apparently recognizes some value in raw milk beyond what health authorities are willing to admit. link
When private people choose something which harms no one, the government has no say, period (in legal theory). Do you find it a little disturbing the idea that the government knows better what THEY will ALLOW you to do, than you have the freedom to do, and YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER without being labelled an “offender”, fined and possibly prosecuted?
If you want a say in what choices you make and not be made a criminal for it, then STAND up and SAY NO to government invading your private life and private choices.
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Dear NaturalNews readers,
In the latest example of truly sick and pathological medical schemes, an insurance company has been offering parents $20 gift certificates at McDonald’s if they agree to have their infant babies injected with potentially deadly
vaccines. Thanks to a reader tip, we have a copy of the actual letter, plus links to other confirming sources that this is real. Read my report at: infants.html Did you know that canola oil used to be called RAPESEED oil? Yeah, it’s true: food_labels.html Is your kid depressed? It might simply be a vitamin D deficiency: depression_children.html Here are some nutrients and herbs for healthy, strong hair: And here’s a non-toxic way to kill fleas on your pets: pets.html P.S. Check out my interview with Dr. Edward Group on the Alex Jones Show — talking about aluminum detox — an awesome interview, people are saying!
Alternative Healing with Dr. Edward F. Group 1/2
___________________Today’s Feature Stories:
Health insurance company preys upon the poor with junk food reward program for vaccinating your baby
(NaturalNews) “Will vaccinate my baby for food!” That seems to be the goal of a program launched last year by the UnitedHealthcare health insurance company of Michigan. It has resorted to enticing parents with junk food to convince them to inject…Canola oil used to be called RAPESEED oil but the name was changed for marketing reasons
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(NaturalNews) Are your kids getting enough vitamin D? If not, they could be at a higher risk for depression. A new study from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom shows that children and teens with higher levels of vitamin D are less likely…Safely destroy fleas on pets – Finally, a non-toxic, natural way to kill fleas, mites, chiggers and other parasitic insects on pets and in the house. (NaturalNews) Nothing is more aggravating then finding fleas on the family pet. Even the best pet parents have their work cut out for them when flea season begins, and that doesn’t include a possible infestation of chiggers or other creepy, crawling,…
Vitamins and herbs for strong, healthy hair
(NaturalNews) Men and women alike desire thick, healthy and shiny hair. Chances are people who possess all of these traits are supplementing with certain vitamins and herbs, or eat a diet that feeds their hair these nutrients on a daily basis. Hair is…Cleansing the skepticism surrounding detoxification diets
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