Systemized Fraud?
Your own privacy is an issue that you need to to responsible for and sometimes…
In Canada we have a VERY obedient population, which is known worldwide, by the international community of tax collectors, to be the most efficient for collection of taxes from a single letter, or phone call. hmmm
Not all countries are so well behaved (or well trained). Those rascal Americans, with a glorious history of tax revolt, need stronger measures. Did you know that IRS tax collectors carry guns in the U.S.? In Canada, a few years ago, CCRA agents did not even carry any legal ID, oh my!
Well, times are tough all round and Pennsylvania State is hurting. Like most governments they have spent too much and collect too little tax so they feel the need to turn up the pressure on the “criminals” who are not paying “their fair share” of the taxes “they owe”.
Taxes are problematic. But like all forms of privacy you have more choice than you know. You can limit your tax burden by practicing legal, lawful, intelligent privacy in your life.
To learn more about the how-to of living a private life, become a free member of or check out our advanced training paid member levels.
Check out the latest in TV terrorism by the Pennsylvania local tax authorities:
Just a little scary, right?
Well, there is more. They also released a radio ad to match:
[audio:|titles=PA_Tax_Amnesty_Radio_Spot]There apparently has been an dramatic increase in tax compliance and a bit of an outcry at the edgy threatening style (who says advertising does not work?). Maybe that is why they released a second softer radio ad (or is it the classic “bad cop, good cop” style of psychological manipulation (bad cop always goes first to scare the victim))?
Here’s the “softer” radio ad:
Taxes are problematic. But like all forms of privacy you have more choice than you know. You can limit your tax burden by practicing legal, lawful, intelligent privacy in your life.
To learn more become a free member and to learn the processes check out our paid member levels.