That’s right folks it’s the Dean Clifford show and it’s moved to Kelowna, B.C. courthouse where Dean is attempting to pursue 21 charges against an RCMP officer. More details as they become available below.

It appears that next court date will be in Vancouver. INFO TBA

If you want to keep up to date the link directly below is the best place to get the latest news as soon as it is released.

Recent updates are related to Dean’s arrest and incarceration for now.



fastest news updates here

===== UPDATES BELOW ======

12. UPDATE – March 4, 2013

Dean does a radio show to tell his story of the arrest, court and imprisonment.

11. UPDATE – Feb. 28, 2013

February 28, 2013

It’s official. Dean has been released from the remand centre after his hearing today. More details to come. His enjoying a good beer with his comrades.

10. UPDATE – Feb. 18, 2013

Sat. February 16, 2013

Alright folks,

As it stands Dean is still in custody. All advocates and witnesses for Dean were barred from the court.

We are still investigating. We are assuming it was negative, but it may be positive.

We should have more concrete answers by Sunday evening.

Stay tuned for more details.

Fri., February 15, 2013

Dean is about to head into court soon in the next hour. lets all wish him luck.
if they don’t listen to reason and face the facts, let it be know that the line the sand is drawn and that all who are awake will know who they really are.

February 15, 2013

Dean’s next hearing is scheduled for 1p.m. CST. Friday February 15th.

Stay tuned

February 14, 2013

Press 4 truth talks with Robert Menard about dean’s arrest


9. UPDATE 3- Feb. 8, 2013



This is an emergency broadcast and its purpose is for gathering, informing and educating as many supporters of Dean Clifford as possible, and to propose a Call To Action that leads to his immediate release from maximum security confinement and isolation.

Darren Boissonneault, Dean’s close friend and roommate, is the only person in contact with Dean at the moment. He will be on the show updating us on the conversations he has had with Dean up till now. Then, we will present a plan of action with outlined instructions on what each of us can do to help Dean.

This type of injustice and violation of rights cannot go on any longer. The time to take responsibility for our lives and to take (peaceful) action is NOW. Support Dean and be present for this emergency broadcast and bring as many friends and allies as you can. And remember, “NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, WE STICK TOGETHER”

“WHAT WE DO IN LIFE, ECHOES IN ETERNITY” This is an emergency broadcast and its purpose is for gathe…


8. UPDATE 2 – Feb. 8, 2013

Friday, 8th Feb 2013 10:00PM

Notes from a conversation with Dean C. Clifford

• He is being treated like a Political Prisoner
• He’s been told by, I think it was the Jail Superintendant, that he is considered a High Risk because of his political beliefs and is considered a threat to all, including Peace Officers.
• He is being held on one standing charge, assaulting a Peace Officer. Like Dean said;
“How can you possibly assault someone when being attacked, it’s called self defense.”
• He is being charged under the Criminal Code of CANADA, his “offense” is indictable.
• Dean said he wanted everyone he knows and that know him well enough, to write an affidavit if possible, regarding the fact that Dean never has been, an Agent, Employee, Servant or Officer or Her Majesty. Seeing as we don’t have first-hand knowledge of this ourselves, the affidavit MUST include that we know this by virtue of him professing it PUBLICLY, OPENLY, PROFUSELY or REPEATEDLY. He most definitely stated that he wants momentum behind him before he goes to in front of the next Judge. He also stated clearly that the RCMP Policy Enforcement Officer, is not a Peace Officer in Dean’s view, he is and should be referred to as “a lying sack of human shit”. Fax protests to the actual RCMP Police station in Gimli Manitoba also the welcome. Protests to the Ombudsman. Finding a friendly Journalist or TV station to help bring this out to the public. Heck a march or anything peaceful, he’s all for it.
• He is or was, teaching many native or Original people a lot about their Human Rights, some of them involved in the Idle No More movement, and plans on lending them a further helping hand once he is released.
• He is excited by the fact that this is bringing more awareness and togetherness in the movement. He said: “this will really unite us as one”.
• He has been told, by I think it was a judge, that: “asking questions is a dangerous idea, at the point where he is now.”
• Again he is most definitely and unambiguously seeking outside help and support, to slam these guys back.
• He wishes for the Dash Cam footage of the RCMP cruiser that attacked him, to go public, world- wide.
• He is down to one phone call per day.
• He is detained in Solitary confinement, in Maximum Security… On the 8th floor he said.
• He has nothing but a one inch toothbrush, a mattress on the floor and blankets.
• He is not eating the jail food, had one Oatmeal Cookie and one Banana since he got put in Jail Saturday Evening. He had stockpiled 2 Banana’s by having traded two meals in the canteen for other inmates Banana’s and those got confiscated from him.
• He stated: “ I’m a package deal, I am entitled to Life, Property and Liberty, they took away my property and my freedom, they better be ready to go all out. Because I am. ”
• He is having Zen like, spiritual like experiences when dealing with them, feeling strong, confident and feeling good. But slice it anyway you want to, if he continues to not eat… He may lose his focus and mental sharpness.. I practically begged him to eat, for us.

The plot thickens.


Just got word off Dean’s facebook from his house mate:

3 February 2013

“Ok Folks, Dean Clifford Updated me tonight, he’s doing super well and is in very high spirits. Have no fear he is at the very top of his game, in his element as we say. He has not eaten since this Saturday morning, the day he got taken, which concerns me but anyway… He’s a “FRUITARIAN” chuckle!! and will not eat anything but Banana’s.. He told the nurse there all he would accept is bottled Dasani water, unopened and without fluoride and Banana’s. Double lmfao!! He was brought before a Judge today, all ready. She was extremely nice to him he said. They are holding him on one charge, assaulting a peace officer.. He also told me that he could have gotten out tonight had he prayed to ‘bail’ which he refused of course! And yes he’s got a very nice fee schedule in place, I know someone made a comment at one point, sorry if it wasn’t here. He’s not even concerned if we are or not getting him help. He totally seems to have it all under control and that’s an understatement. Did somebody say the link does’nt work?? I’ll re-post another copy of it at the bottom of this thread. I don’t want to say much more then that AT THIS POINT. Seeing as we are preparing an H.C. for him and myself and Dean Clifford will be making an EPIC video of everything that happened and that they said and that he said, as soon as he get’s out. Expect him out by the weekend my friends! Cheers! and namaste”

7. UPDATE 1 – Feb. 8, 2013

It seems like the rumour of his release is just the opposite – transferred to a maximum security  prison based on this letter that was forwarded to me and is reproduced as I received it…

Checkout Rob Ryders post of offering help to get Dean released

From Rob Menard’s Facebook page:

Dear folks, this is a call to arms, with said arms being your pens, keyboards and phones. Please do what you can.
Minister’s Office
Phone: 204-945-3728
Fax: 204-945-2517
Minister of Justice

Dear Andrew Swan,
I bring to your immediate attention the abuse of power and perversion of procedure my friend Dean Clifford is being subjected to in a prison for which you are responsible. You may or may not be aware of the situation; it may even be due to your own orders. If not however, then I am sure you will find the situation as shocking and offensive to the conscience as do those who will likely be contacting your office personally to express their displeasure.

I am sure you would agree that it would deeply offend and shock the public conscience to hear that a Canadian was imprisoned for no other reason then their political beliefs, regardless of how inconvenienced those in power were by those beliefs. This is especially true if said beliefs are based upon love, compassion, truth, and exercised in a lawful and peaceful manner. And although Dean is not charged with having certain political beliefs, it does appear he was targeted for them, and then assaulted and arrested by an RCMP Officer. The entire incident itself will likely not withstand proper scrutiny, and would likely reveal an over zealous officer.

Now Dean has been in prison since Saturday night, and a YOUTUBE video made to inform the public about his arrest garnered over 3000 views in 24 hours. During this time there has been no indication from him that he is a threat to others or staff, or a flight risk. He has been held in Winnipeg Remand Centre and was in good spirits, sure he would be released according to due process and proper procedure.

Dean is a Freeman, and as such holds political views which many in positions of authority label as anti-government. To be brutally honest, we are not anti-government, but pro-good-government. It is due to these beliefs and only these beliefs that he has now been transferred to a maximum security facility. On your own organizations website I found the following:

Role of Maximum Security Institutions

Maximum security institutions provide long-term incarceration for offenders who have a higher probability of attempting to escape and who present a greater threat to the safety of the public.

Dean is in no way a threat to the public, nor a flight risk at all. To the contrary he is looking forward to his day in court. His being transferred to a maximum security prison is nothing less than an unlawful and inappropriate punishment for his beliefs. When asked why he was being transferred, one of the staff apparently let it slip it was due to him being deemed a threat to the staff and prisoners FOR HIS POLITICAL BELIEFS.

If someone’s political beliefs are justification for transferring them from a minimum security facility to a maximum security prison, then those same beliefs must justify transferring someone from non-incarceration to imprisonment. This however is Canada and beliefs which are unpopular to those who claim authority, are no reason to imprison someone nor are they reason to deny them due process when in the jail system on other matters. This is especially true when there is sufficient reason to believe he was targeted, assaulted and then arrested ostensibly for some driving infraction, but more likely for his political beliefs, which he is quite vocal about. But again, as this is Canada, those who wear uniforms on the public’s dime, and who do not like the beliefs of other Canadians, can suck it up, as they have no right to abuse their office to punish those who question the source, nature and limits of their authority.

Dean Clifford was transferred to a maximum security facility, for no other reason then some mid level bureaucrat within the system does not like his political beliefs and decided to exercise their authority without just cause and have thus placed him in greater danger. Likely they did not like his jovial and fearless attitude, and in spite of the fact that he is both peaceful and not a flight risk, decided to abuse their authority and position. It stinks to high heaven with abuse of power, and needs immediate attention and rectification.

As you have now been served notice of what is happening within your prison system to one of our brothers, and the injustice and abuse brought to your attention, and you have the power with a simple phone call to rectify this situation, the responsibility is clearly yours to address the situation, return him to minimum security as justified by his actions and the charges, and ensure that those who decided to take it upon themselves to punish him for his beliefs are themselves held accountable and face proper and meaningful sanctions.

Understanding the nature of the political system and importance of public pressure, by the time you read this, I will have implored my fellow Canadians, be they Freemen or simple Citizens, to contact your offices, by phone, fax and email, and do their best to raise a storm of protest and complaint.

Letters will be sent to the Ombudsman, federal MP’s, the Press, and any other group of Canadians who are concerned about such abuses of bureaucratic power.

Information concerning this occurrence and your role in it will also be kept for the purposes of civil and other legal actions, in existing or future courts.

This is Canada, and people will not be imprisoned lightly or easily for their political beliefs. People who claim that someone’s political beliefs are a threat to the safety of others, and therefore imprisoning them is justified, are in fact the ones demonstrating the most dangerous political belief imaginable.

You may not like our political beliefs, as we hold that people in the government should be accountable and all operations transparent. But that is no reason to imprison us nor seek to punish us further if we are in your prisons, especially when it is entirely possible that the original charge is one manufactured by a politically motivated police officer seeking to use his office to hinder lawful political action.

Freemen believe in good-government. This is your chance to show us some.
Thank you for your time, I trust you will take the appropriate and honourable steps.
Sincerely, and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity,
Robert Arthur Menard
Interim Chief of the Peace
Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers.


6. UPDATE – Feb. 6, 2013

There is a rumour that Dean was released last night. Here’s a video of Dean’s 90min unlawful detainment and car theft in B.C. –

Dean’s further 90min unlawful detainment and car theft from Dean Clifford on Vimeo.

5. UPDATE – Feb. 3, 2013

Dean has been arrested – seems like a set up….  (Dean’s Wall if you want to keep abreast of what is happening, and or leave your thoughts, and well wishes)

4. UPDATE – Jan. 27, 2013

Despite numerous requests for updates and “the full story” Dean has not been cooperative (rotten bugger eh?). In the mena time here’s a video of Dean’s latest quest for travelling freedom, an audio recording of his conversation with an RCMP officer requesting a drivers license and insurance…(you can check out his other videos here

Dean Clifford – 12 minutes at the side of the road from Dean Clifford on Vimeo.


3. UPDATE – Dec. 7, 2012

Here’s an audio interview where Dean speak about the court case a bit…

Listen to internet radio with GLOBAL FACT RADIO on Blog Talk Radio–ep04-commerce-vs-common-law

2. UPDATE – Nov. 23/12

COMMENTS FROM – Dean Clifford

Well, what an interesting court hearing. The doors were locked and the Sheriff’s told everyone that it was at my request. Yeah, right. Anyways, the judge was actually going to issue process on a few of the charges against the superior officer, Mike Sekala, but the Crown interjected and defended the cop. I was, of course, expecting that and let him go on, because he will now be immediately added to the Federal Lawsuit…..the real and actual purpose of me even going to Provincial Court, to get more names.

Now, the determinations the Judge made were interesting. She agreed with me, and the Supreme Court via my case law in the exhibits attached to my Affidavit, that The Charter has no application against the private individual, nor any subservient law since she has a DUTY to view anything inconsistent with the Charter as having no force or effect, and then agreed with me that I am a private individual. She then went on to make the outrageous determination that the BC Motor Vehicle Act still applies to me in this matter, hahahahahahahahaha, and the Police were acting in their lawful authority. When pressed to explain how she arrived at that determination, in the face of the Supreme Court she is bound by, she became irritated and informed me she would not get into any nonsensical arguments with me.

So, since she was clearly operating outside the scope of her Office by making this ridiculous, in the face of the law and very clear superior court rulings, she is now personally liable, and I have more names and liable parties for my commercial liens and Federal Claims.

Basically, she agreed that 1+1=2, and that 1+1+1=3, and then went on to determine that 2+3 does NOT equal 5. Apparently the BC Motor Vehicle Act supersedes the Charter and the Supreme Court decisions on the matter, and IS in fact perfectly enforceable against private individuals.

She did, also, attempt to bring up Meads v Meads at one point, to which I replied, “Excuse me, you don’t actually subscribe to such lunacy, do you?” Her sentence was never finished after that.

Transcripts and full report to come, will take matter to the Appellate, and add her name. The lower courts are BOUND by the higher courts, and she made determinations that completely contradict the Supreme Court cases that she just finished agreeing with as being correct.

Who is nonsensical now? Nice try.

Thanks to all that came out for the hearing, I hope they had a good time! :)



Wednesday Nov. 21, 2012 – Court event. Dean has laid 21 charges against an RCMP officer (details to follow). NOTE: Dave Lindsay has pursued charges against officers before and the usual tactic is that the DoJ comes into the case takes it over as public prosecutor then withdraws the charges (not in public interest, not sustainable-no chance of success as their excuse).

This is the FIRST update as to what happened in court from someone who was there, comments in brackets are mine:

They wouldn’t let anyone in the courtroom. [so much for YOUR public courts]

The sheriffs taped over the windows on the courtroom door so no one could see in.The sheriffs said that Dean wanted a private hearing. Not likely when he invited people to come. [tsk tsk… they would not really LIE about that would they, maybe the truth comes out thy are private court proceeding when dealing their own corporate laws and officers??]

There were about 25 people there, some from Vancouver. Dean walked the judge (Burdett) through the Dell case and others and talked about how the Charter did not apply to private individuals.

Judge just nodded her head in agreement and then at the end she said it was “nonsense”. [in that private court maybe true?]

She referred to the Meade diatribe and dean jumped on her over that and said it was nothing more than an opinion, not even based on any case. [cat fight!]

There were about 20 + charges agaisnt the RCMP officer but the judge wittled them down to about 7. [to be expected and having 7 left is a good sign]

The Crown I guess finally piped up and came to the defense of the RCMP officer. [I would like to know what the crown said]

Anyway, I heard there would be another hearing set in Vancouver sometime soon. [this is interesting, I bet it will be at the Robson Square courts for a number of good reasons they don’t want you to know about]

MORE to come as I get info. If you have ANY info please email info (at) so I can add it to this page and keep people up to date. I hope to have some audio interviews telling the story posted here as well. Stay tuned!


Here’s a good interview with Dean laying down a great overview of his position and purpose to return to the law and hold the lieing lawyers, police, judges and politicians to the law.

Spread the info...

This article has 4 comments

  1. admin1

    Yes, so are a lot of others. I’ve been chasing Dean for a while to give an update and tell the whole story behind it. He’s confirmed today that he will give me an update in the “next couple of days”, so stay tuned. Anyone with more info please pass it on via email, the contact form or in the comment box.

  2. Dan

    Hi, I am really interested in this case. Please let me know when the next court date is, and I will definitely come down.


  3. jv

    After read all this and been in court l asked a lawyer why can’t l recorder in court he looked at me and told me it is (private court) by the way you can record in court. I know dean and he is on the money

  4. jv

    Message: Coming up on HOW TO WITH DEAN CLIFFORD – Episode 04 Commerce vs Common Law Nov 26 at 6pm PST on GLOBAL F.A.C.T. RADIO |


    in Radio
    on Mon, November 19, 2012

    Welcome to episode 3 of HOW TO WITH DEAN CLIFFORD! On todays episode, Dean will talk about JURISDICTION. He will teach our listeners what he knows on this topic and answer any questions from the audience. The format for this… more

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